Antonio Recalcati

(Bresso, 1938)


Antonio Recalcati was born in Bresso (near Milan) in 1938.

His first personal exhibition at the Galleria Totti in Milan, with a catalogue introduction by the poet Roberto Sanesi was in 1957.

In 1959 he had is second personal exhibition at Galleria Pater in Milan with a catalogue introduction by Emilio Tadini.

In 1960 on October 8th there was the opening of his exhibition at the Carlo Cardazzo’s “Galleria del Cavallino” in Venice with the first “impronte” and the catalogue introduction by Giorgio Kaisserlian.

In 1961 in Milan he meets Alain Jouffroy, interested in his work and invite him to take part to “L’Antiprocess”, collective painting with Baj, Crippa, Dova, Errò e Jean Jacques Lebel.

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