Aurelie Nemours

(Paris, 1910 – 2005)


In 1929 Aurelie Nemours enrolled at the Ecole du Louvre to study the Egyptian and Byzantine art for three years. From 1937 to 1940, she was a student of the Paul Colin studio Publicity and Applied Arts, workshop mainly devoted to drawing, poster and theatrical decor. Then in 1941, she returned to the André Lhote Academy until 1945.

1953. In 1949 she enrolled at the opened Atelier Fernand Léger. She began painting in 1949 and quickly participated in groups exhibitions. Immediately, her painting was non-figurative.

In 1953, Gallery Colette Allendy organized Aurelie Nemours’ first solo exhibition in Paris: Michel Seuphor wrote his first text about her work and made her discover the art of Mondrian, whom she didn’t know. For the artist, it was as much a revelation as it was a confirmation of the path in which she had just embarked. This exhibition was very well received. In 1957, Aurelie Nemours participated in the activities of the Groupe Espace, which was founded in 1951 by Félix del Marle together with exhibitors of the Salon des Réalités nouvelles who shared the same ideas on the synthesis of the arts. Nemours was exhibited in the Parisian Salons (New Realities, Comparisons, Sacred Art Show, Salon of Automn, Salon of Today Elder and Younger). She also participated actively in international trade fairs. Over the years, a numerous of exhibitions were devote to her art in France and abroad. In 2004 Aurelie Nemours was 94 years old and almost blind - did the Centre Georges Pompidou, at the initiative of its President Bruno Racine and upon a proposal by Serge Lemoine, dedicate to her a retrospective exhibition where 170 works were featured and a major catalog published, a show that will receive 150,000 visitors from June 9 to September 27.

Nemours died 27 January 2005 in Paris

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