Fabrizio Ceccardi
(Scandiano, 1952)
Fabrizio Ceccardi began his creative career in the mid-seventies, a period in which he frequented important conceptual artists, participating in the artistic season of art performances and documenting several of these actions. In those years, his first projects began which led to the use of large-format Polaroids and to develop a creative path with the Polaroid transfer technique. Ceccardi’s work continued with large-format projects and works that he developed in his periods of work in Rome. He also began a long collaboration with international galleries and various series of editorial projects. His works were exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad, including Paris, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Biarritz, Basel, and then Rome, Ferrara, Mantua, Milan. He has produced many book publications with influential Italian and foreign publishers.
Selected exhibitions :
2023 - A scena aperta
Paggeria Arte, FestivalFilosofia Sassuolo.
2022 - Oltre lo Sguardo
Podbielski Contemporary, Milano.
2020 - Ore Sospese - Un diario italiano
Podbielski Contemporary, Milano.
2017 - Ordinary Chaos
RB Contemporary, Milano.
2015 - Inequality
Galleria PH broking, Arles.
2014 - Oltre
RB Contemporary, Milano.
2013 - Out Of Eden
Galerie Eulenspiegel, Basel.
2008 - Weissnichtwo
Galerie Eulenspiegel, Basel.
2006 - Stanze Segrete
Casa Ludovico Ariosto, Comune di Ferrara, Ferrara. 2005 - Sguardi dal fondo
Galleria Luxardo, Roma.
1998 - Photographie italienne
Galerie Municipale de Château d’Eaux, Tolosa.
1994 - Le Temps Suspendu
Galerie Contrejour, Parigi.
Selected Publications :
A scena aperta - Incontri Editrice 2023.
Landscape - Silvana Editoriale 2017.
Inequality - Edizioni RB Contemporary Milano 2016. Out Of Eden - Edizione Punctum Roma 2016.
On the Other End - Edizioni Lo sguardo dell’altro Modena 2007. Il Teatro dei Sensibili - Corraini Edizioni Mantova 2003.
Le temps Suspendu - Contrejour Edizioni 1994.