Federico e Carolina Lose

(Dresda, 1784 – 1833)


Federico e Carolina Lose

Görlitz /Dresda, 1776 (Federico) Dresda, 1784 (Carolina) - Milano, 1833 (Federico) - 1837 (Carolina)



Federico and Carolina Lose: an artistic partnership in Restoration Lombardy


Friedrich Lohse and Caroline von Schlieben, who met in Dresden during their artistic apprenticeship, married and moved to Milan in 1805. He was a draftsman, she was an engraver and colorist, and they became Federico and Carolina Lose, two artists who translated the romantic vision of nature into their landscape representations.


They collaborated with publishers such as Artaria and Bernucca, publishing urban and landscape views of Lombardy in works such as Le bellezze pittoriche di Milano (The Picturesque Beauties of Milan) and Viaggio pittorico e storico ai tre laghi Maggiore, di Lugano e Como (Picturesque and Historical Journey to the Three Lakes Maggiore, Lugano and Como).


In 1823, they established themselves with Viaggio pittorico nei Monti di Brianza (Picturesque Journey to the Brianza Mountains), an album of 24 hand-colored engravings celebrating the beauty of the Brianza area.


Federico also published Viaggio pittorico e storico al Monte Spluga da Milano a Coira (Picturesque and Historical Journey to Mount Spluga from Milan to Chur), the first illustrated guide to the new tourist itinerary between Lombardy and Europe.


After 1824, their activity declined. Federico died in 1833, followed by Carolina in 1837. Of their children, only Federico Spiridione tried to follow in their footsteps, but he mainly dedicated himself to the study of medieval terracotta architecture.


The Loses represented a highly important artistic partnership in Restoration Lombardy, contributing to the dissemination of the beauty of the Lombard landscape through their engravings.

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