Jacques Lacomblez

(Brussels, 1934)


Painter, draughtsman and poet closely linked to the surrealist movement of the third generation. Met Magritte, Colinet, Havrenne and Lecomte in 1955, collaborated in Edouard Jaguer's Phases movement from 1956 and met André Breton in 1958.

At the same time, he came into close contact with several surrealists, including Georges Henein, Wifredo Lam, Karl Otto Götz, Robert Benayoun, Jean-Pierre Duprey, Gérard Legrand, etc.

Lacomblez participated in two important International Surrealist Exhibitions: in 1959 at the Galleria Schwarz in Milan, entitled "Mostra Internazionale del Surrealismo" and in 1961, on the initiative of Breton and Marcel Duchamp, at the D'Arcy Gallery in New York, entitled "Le Domaine des enchanteurs". Created and edited the magazine Edda (5 issues from 1958 to 1965).

His works have been acquired by several collections and museums including the Museums of Modern Art in Brussels, Rome, Jerusalem (Schwarz collection), Warsaw and Poznan.

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