Michel Seuphor

(Antwerp, 1901 – Paris, 1999)


Michel Seuphor, whose real name was Fernand Berckelaers, was a Belgian artist, writer, and art critic. He is best known for his contributions to the development of abstract art and for his association with the De Stijl and Concrete art movements. Here's a brief biography of Michel Seuphor:

Born: March 10, 1901, in Antwerp, Belgium.

Original Name: Michel Seuphor adopted this pseudonym for his artistic and literary pursuits.

Early Life: Seuphor began his artistic career as a painter and illustrator and became interested in avant-garde movements early on.

De Stijl: In the 1920s, Seuphor moved to Paris and became closely associated with the De Stijl movement, which was known for its use of geometric shapes, primary colors, and a focus on abstraction. He contributed articles to the De Stijl journal and became friends with prominent members of the movement, such as Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg.

Concrete Art: In the 1930s, Seuphor transitioned to Concrete art, a movement that emphasized non-representational and non-figurative art. He was a prominent figure in the promotion of Concrete art and wrote extensively on the subject.

Writing: Seuphor was not only an artist but also an accomplished writer. He authored numerous books and essays on art, including "Abstract Art in Wall Painting," which explored the relationship between abstract art and architectural decoration.

Legacy: Michel Seuphor's work and writing have had a lasting influence on the development of abstract and Concrete art. His contributions to art criticism and promotion of geometric abstraction have left a significant mark on the art world.

Death: Michel Seuphor passed away on February 12, 1999, in Paris, France.

Michel Seuphor's life and work are significant in the context of 20th-century art history, particularly in the development and promotion of abstract and Concrete art.

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